Dec 14, 2020
Daniel Germain is the president and founder of the Breakfast Club of Canada and a member of the Order of Canada for his work in ending child hunger. He joins us today to talk about his start in philanthropy and his contagious vision for a brighter future.
Nov 22, 2020
The Jewish National Fund-USA saw its best year-to-date fundraising ever, all while in the midst of a global pandemic. Find out how they innovatively manage donor engagement with Mike Teichberg and Efrat Gilman.
Oct 26, 2020
The Midwest Food Bank stays a step ahead of other non-profits with their “Progress over perfection” culture, which allows them to test and develop new strategies for their food bank faster than other non-profits.
Sep 25, 2020
“Non-profit is a tax status, not a business model” This thinking allowed the Greater Twin Cities United Way to adopt a donor-centric model that focuses on building lasting relationships where it matters.
Aug 14, 2020
Barbara Grantham, CARE Canada's CEO joins us to talk about how CARE is changing the way they fundraise in order to build a more resilient non-profit.